Thursday, October 8, 2009

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping Activies

1.Post your 2-3 paragraph summary of the 3-5 ideas you explored for how you could use Concept Mapping within your future classroom. Give your specific examples.

There are many ways as a future teacher that you could use concept mapping in your classroom. One way that concept maps are useful is that they encourage understanding of subjects and topics by helping students organize information. Concept maps can be of all subjects and topics and allow students to explore the various routes. As a future teacher it is important to incorporate as many different visuals as possible. Concept maps provide a way of writing information and seeing it in an organized fashion while also using understanding of the information. I could use concept maps for different stories we’ve read, science projects, history data, etc.
Another way I could use concept mapping in my future classroom is for assessment. Concept maps show what student’s are processing and how they understand the information. Student’s have to put the information into their own words which makes them stop and think about the information given. Teachers can look at concept mapping to see what student’s are grasping or what they are confused by. It is important as teachers to incorporate as many assessments as possible in a classroom and concept maps are another way to see how students are progressing in their knowledge.
Concept maps can also be used in a classroom for displays. Concept maps show all the necessary information while also being very organized and simple. I could use concept maps as projects for students to then display in my classroom so students do not forget the information. They are a great way of incorporating different subjects and topics which can be used for later information as well. Students can look at concept maps in classrooms and be able to interpret and understand the information. By keeping them on display it allows students to see information in a creative new way.

2. Discuss what you see as the impact of the use of Concept mapping might have on student learning within your future classroom. Give some details to support your statements.

Concept mapping could have many impacts on student learning within my future classroom. It can provide students with a new way to look at information and bind information together. It allows them to explore on their own how things are connected and they are able to learn and see information in a different way. Concept mapping is a great for visual learners to see the links between subjects/topics. Concept mapping is also a great way to get students involved. They are able to create something of their own with in a subject/topic area. Teachers can then assess student's knowledge.

3. Discuss at least 2 criteria that you would use to decide whether or not Concept Mapping activities would be part of a lesson for your students.
A criteria I would use to decide whether or not concept mapping activities would be part of a lesson with my students would be to see whether I have taught enough information to create a concept map. Concept mapping can be very detailed and I would want my students to feel confident with how information is connected. Another criteria I would use is if the subject/topic would be appropriate for using a concept map. Since concept mapping requires many different parts, it would be necessary that the subject/topic can explore many different areas.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reflections on Using TeacherWeb

1. Describe at least 2 ways that the use of a class web site like TeacherWeb could be used to support your future teaching. Provide some specific details for each example.

A class website such as TeacherWeb could be used in numerous ways to support my future teaching. The class handout section on my TeacherWeb site would be extremely beneficial due to the fact children are always losing and misplacing papers. This would ensure students could always have access to these handouts/homework. Another section that would be extremely beneficial is the activities students can partake in from websites that I posted on the TeacherWeb. Parents can use these websites to engage in learning with their children at home. Sometimes parents are unsure of what they can do or what websites are useful so therefore this area in my TeacherWeb would guide them in their child's learning outside of the classroom as well as inside. TeacherWeb is an fabulous resource for myself as well because it allows me to see class grades and also keep reminders on it. I can use this website instead of handouts to post my thoughts, communicate, and engage with students and parents. I can also use this website to explore different teaching methods and activities for students.

2. Identify 2 ways students could use a class web site like TeacherWeb to enhance their learning.

Provide some details for each way identified.
Students learning can be enhanced by class websites like TeacherWeb. As previously mentioned, they can use the website to explore different activities that I have posted. Activities include math problems, puzzles, science topics, writing tips/workshops, etc. Students are able to easily access the websites and can explore them. They can also use the review quizzes and project reflections to think about what we have been learning. The review quizzes would be great for students before a test or even to just ensure that students are gaining knowledge on the topic/subject being taught. The internet is something fun and exciting for students so they would be more apt to getting on the internet to complete something than simply a piece of paper.