Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Distance Education

Identify and briefly discuss 5 advantages of distance education.

A major pro for distance education is convenience and flexibility. It is so much easier being able to take a class online rather than trying to figure out how it will to fit into your schedule. You can decide when you work on your assignment in regards to when it is due. Another pro is accessibility. Students are able to work on their assignments and readings wherever a computer is present. Distance education is also better for some learners. They are able to see through visual cues or are introverted. They can take time to complete assignments and learn on their own. Another pro I noticed was the cost. Cost of online courses seems to be cheaper and you do not have to worry about the cost of food or housing (depending on if its college). Distance education is very self-directed and students are able to set their own pace and schedule which works well for many.

Identify and briefly discuss 5 disadvantages of distance education.

A con of distance education is that there is no instructor face-to-face time. Sometimes students work better when they are able to see the instructor in person and form a relationship with them. They are able to better communicate their questions or concerns face-to-face. Along with this, there is no social interaction with peers. There can be online discussion boards, but there is never actually social interaction and working with others. Another con can be the use of technology. Sometimes there are glitches in technology as well as some people just are not technological savvy. It would be hard for these individuals to figure out how the class operates. There is also little support for students. Of course you can ask questions over the internet to the teacher, but for the most part students are on their own to figure out their resources needed to complete assignments. There is also no campus atmosphere. Whether it is an elementary school or college, students are not able to get the feel of the environment and atmosphere of school.

How you would determine the readiness of students to participate in distance education?

In order to determine the readiness of students to participate in distance education is important. It is important to know if the mature and self-disciplined. I think it’s important to seek the student’s goals and why they want to participate in distance education. If they only want to because they think it will be easy and they won’t have to attend class than that is not a reason. They also need to have good work habits and be able to work independently. Students need to know what is expected and know that they need to self-sufficient to get their work done. They also need to feel comfortable and confident with technology. Students that do not like working with computers or simply do not feel comfortable would not be good candidates for distance education.

What would you need to do to be ready to teach in an online environment?

In order to be ready to teach in an online environment the first most important quality to have is the ability and knowledge to work with technology. You must be extremely comfortable and confident with how to operate technology. You also must know how to communicate with your students through technology and make yourself available. Teaching online courses requires a lot of time and commitment so it is important that you are ready to take on the responsibility for it. It is also important that you make assignments lengthy and in depth enough to challenge the process of students minds. Being an online educator requires a lot of time and responsibility that one needs to be educated on before pursuing.