Thursday, September 3, 2009

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

MI Blog Post Project
For the MI Blog Post project, you will create a new post on your blog site and title it “Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom”. Then, within this blog post, discuss your new knowledge and relate it to the following 5 issues:

Discuss which of the multiple intelligences you have strengths in and then discuss some of the core characteristics of that (or those) intelligences. Discuss which of the core characteristics best describe you and your learning style.

The multiple intelligences I have strengths in are intrapersonal, musical, and naturalistic. Some of the core characteristics for intrapersonal is affective awareness which means I acknowledge the feelings, attitudes, and outlooks of myself. I also portray ethical awareness which is the setting of my principles and moral priorities. Some core characteristics of the multiple intelligence of musical is that I use audiation which means I think musically rather than verbally. I also use resonance which means I identify with patterns as an expression of experience. Lastly, some core charctericis of naturalistic is that I am natural and attribute oriented. This means I use identification with living organisms and their environment and I also find common traits among items. Out of these core characteristics I think the best one that describes me and my learning style is being intrapersonal by using my affective awareness and ethical awareness. I tend to be very independent and use my goals in order to help me learn. I have always been very self-sufficient and enjoy doing projects/homework alone. I know what my expectations are and I do my best to full fill them.

Discuss what students with this type of intelligence enjoy, are like, or tend to do within classroom settings.

The type of students with an intrapersonal intelligence communicate their feelings and express their likes or dislikes about particular activities. They are comfortable with themselves and have an own sense of their strengths and weaknesses. Intrapersonals follow their instincts, make appropriate choices, and express a sense of justice and fairness. In a classroom they set goals for themselves and want opportunities for student reflection. They use analogies in making connections and want activities that offer learner choices.

Discuss how you will support this type of intelligence within your classroom and within your teaching.

By learning of intrapersonal intelligence I can support this intelligence within my classroom by providing activities that offer student choices and by providing students to express their feelings on particular topics. I can also include student self-assessment in classroom assessment strategies. Having students set goals for themselves in the classroom and including daily journal writing in my classroom routine will help intrapersonal intelligence learners because they tend to focus on their dreams, goals, and feelings.

Discuss what technologies stimulate this type of intelligence.

Technologies that stimulate the intrapersonal intelligence are things such as journals, diaries, and self assessments so that the students are able to communicate and express their feelings. Other types of technologies can be things such as class discussions and real time projects so that students can also engage to one another their input and use their mind. Online surverys and forms are another technology that would stimulate the mind of intrapersonal intelligence learners.

And finally, discuss how you might impact student learning by applying your understanding of learning styles and multiple intelligences within your classroom.

By looking at each and every intelligence it is important to integrate all learning styles into my teaching in the classroom. I think it is extremly important to review each and every intelligence because all teachers are going to have students fall into each category. The way I learned as a child and still learn today will not be the same as every child I teach so I need to learn of all the ways I can incorporate each and every intelligence so that every student can learn to their best ability. I need to incorporate a variety of activities and technologies for students in the classroom so they can all choose what works best for them. It also gets them exposed to different intelligences and learning styles so that they are able to broaden their horizons and learn in multiple ways. It is crucial for students to be able to learn in an environment where they feel comfortable and able to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent discussion of your MI strengths and what that all means to you as a learner. As you develop your teaching strategies and begin to develop lessons, i know that you will be able to explore a variety of issues related to learning styles and student learning.
